After adding the yeast, the lager was fermenting after 24 hours. All
that has to be done while the brew is fermenting is to keep a check on the temperature, if it falls out
of the 18c-22c range for a length of time you may have to consider moving the brew. This is more likely to happen in
the winter or summer, as this brew was started in May it won't be a problem.
The above photo shows the brew after 24 hours, fermentation normally
takes around 5-7 days, depending on the room temperature.

The above photo shows the brew after 6 days fermentation, it appeared
to be fermented so I took a hydrometer reading and took another one 24 hours later to check that the reading was the same,
this is important if you intend to bottle the brew.

On both days I took a reading of 1006, as it was constant for 24
hours I decided to continue to the next stage, transferring the brew to a pressure barrel which can be seen on the next page, barrelling
the lager kit.