Here are some photos of my brewing equipment.

Here is the equipment I use for making beer and lager; it will
be seen in use in the lager and all grain brewing pages.

Here is the equipment I use for making wine; it will be seen in
use in the wine making pages.

I always use separate plastic tubing for beer and wine, as you
can see in the above photo the plastic tubing and paddle on the left are a green colour, they have been stained from the hops.
The plastic tubing and paddle on the right hand side are only used in winemaking.
I have checked my hydrometer and thermometer for accuracy. I placed the thermometer in a
pan of boiling water; it recorded a temperature of 98c.
The hydrometers supplied to homebrewers are usually calibrated to read 1.000 at 20c, when I tested
mine in a test jar filled with water at 20c, it read 0.998, therefore I take this into account when I take readings of my