
My equipment
My equipment
Beer & Lager options
Making lager from a kit
Lager kit progress
Barrelling the Lager kit
The Finished Lager
Wine making options
Making wine from a kit
Wine kit progress
Filtering the wine
Bottling the wine
Labelling the bottles
The Finished Wine
All Grain Recipes
All Grain Brewing Introduction
All grain equipment and sterilising
Dry Yeast Starter
Splitting a Whitelabs yeast
Fermenting the Whitelabs yeast
Bottling and storing the Whitelabs yeast
Whitelabs yeast starter
Water Treatment
Sparging Options
Fly Sparging
Batch Sparging Calculations
Batch Sparging
Cask conditioning
The finished beer
Storing my brews
General Information
My previous brews

This page will show my brewing equipment.

Here are some photos of my brewing equipment.

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Here is the equipment I use for making beer and lager; it will be seen in use in the lager and all grain brewing pages.


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Here is the equipment I use for making wine; it will be seen in use in the wine making pages.


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I always use separate plastic tubing for beer and wine, as you can see in the above photo the plastic tubing and paddle on the left are a green colour, they have been stained from the hops.  The plastic tubing and paddle on the right hand side are only used in winemaking.

I have checked my hydrometer and thermometer for accuracy.  I placed the thermometer in a pan of boiling water; it recorded a temperature of 98c.

The hydrometers supplied to homebrewers are usually calibrated to read 1.000 at 20c, when I tested mine in a test jar filled with water at 20c, it read 0.998, therefore I take this into account when I take readings of my brews. 


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All the information given on this website is from my own personal experiences and are well tried and tested.  However, if you try something you have seen here and it does not work out, I accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury that may occur.