I prefer to finish my bottles by fitting shrink caps and labels.
After leaving them standing upright for 3 days, it is time to fit them.

The shrink caps I use are the type that shrink under steam.
The above photo shows how I do this, please note that I am holding the bottle at the bottom and I am pressing the shrink cap
down with a long handled screwdriver. This keeps your hands out of the way of the steam from the kettle.

When all the bottles have the shrink caps fitted I wipe the moisture
off them and fit the labels as shown above.

All done now, time to lay them down in the wine rack for maturing.
I recommend that a wine of this quality should be left at least 6 months before drinking. It will be ready sooner than
this but it certainly will not be at its best.
This has taken me 5 weeks from start to finish. Wine making from a kit is more time consuming
than making beer or lager from a kit, but the results make it worthwhile.