There are many options for treating brewing water, this is my
preferred method.
I use a Water Gem filter system; it claims to reduce chlorine, chlor-amines and other chemicals
as well as filtering sediment and rust.

The above photo shows the hot liquor tun being filled
with 5 gallons of water direct from the Water Gem, this is the sparging water.

The above photo shows the boiler being filled with 2 gallons of
water, this is the mash water.

The above photo shows Brupaks carbonate reducing solution, a tub
of Gypsum and a tub of Irish Moss.

The above photo shows the Brupaks CRS being added to the sparging
water, I also use it in the mash water which is in the boiler. I use it at the rate of half a tsp per gallon.
Please note that this is the required dosage for my water, yours may require more or less depending on your water analysis,
I found mine on Northumbrian Water's website.
I also add a 1/2 tsp of gypsum to the mash to adjust the p.h. The Irish Moss is used as a
fining in the boiling stage.
That is all the preparation over, time to get on with the brew. Please go to the next page,